LoadTracer – Recorder

LoadTracer – Recorder

Recorder acts as a proxy server between browser and the web server. It records all the interaction between browser and server to generate script file.

The scripts are automatically generated. No need to write scripts. Powerful GUI options are given for variable Management, conditions , loops, response validation and parameterization.

Scripts details like Client header, Server header, and HTML pages can be view from recorder. Scripts can be ported from one machine to other machine.

Instead of connecting directly to the web server, Recorder can be connected to any another proxy server also by specifying proxy address and port number in Settings dialog.

Necessary URL can be selected or delected in the Script. URL can also be updated. Paths can also be updated. Client cache option can be enable or disable before recording the script.

If the web page is already cached in the Temporary Internet Folder, by disabling this option we can get entire response from web server otherwise pages are taken directly from Temporary Internet Folder.

Recorder also supports Parameterization, Variable Management, and Response Validation. Many types of functions are available for parameterization, through which simulator can generate the unique values during simulation process.

Values can also be given through the text files, on one value per line basis. Parameterization also supports fetching current values during runtime using variable facility.

User has to create the variable in recorder and these variable should be set in the parameters during runtime the current values will be fetch from the server (example:__VIEWSTATE). In Many web application http errors are customized, so it is hard to find in runtime whether a http exception has occurred or not, using response validation with different methods we can determine whether the response is valid or not.

Brief report and Detail reports can be generated from LoadTracer Recorder in HTML format