Which web server LoadTracer will support?
LoadTracer support all the web server and application server, as long as they are HTTP 1.0 or 1.1 compliant.
Can I download LoadTracer?
Yes, you can download latest version of LoadTracer 3.5. This is evaluation version, which will execute max of 50 virtual users.
What is the software requirement to install LoadTracer?
LoadTracer will work only on Microsoft Windows 2000 and above OS.
What is the hardware requirement to install LoadTracer?
At least 800Mhz of CPU speed, we recommend more than 2 Ghz is good. RAM should be at least 512 MB.
How does recording work?
LoadTracer - Recorder acts as a proxy-server between browser and server and records all the interactions between user and the server.
Can I record HTTPS sites?
Yes, LoadTracer support https recording and simulation. While recording, since it act as a proxy, browser will show security alert 'Do you want to proceed', user has to click 'Yes' to proceed the recording.
Can I record and simulate via proxy server?
Yes, user just has to specify the proxy server name and port number.
Can I edit recorded script?
Yes, you can edit, Uri, server, port no, think time, add new parameter, delete existing parameter, edit parameter, modify from http to https request and vice versa, disable a request from being executed.
Can I validate a server response while simulation?
Yes, with the help of response validator you can validate a response data.
Which browser Loadtracer support?
LoadTracer will support any browser, but only Internet Explorer and Firefox can be configured and opened automatically. Other browsers should be open manually and configured for proxy settings manually.